Tycron Met 200

Tycron Met 200


Kaufman Tycron Met 200

Quick Overview

  • Uses : Tycron Met 200 is designed to provide long-term durability and low maintenance to industrial floors. Such floors are subjected to heavy traffic, impact and high abrasion. Floors treated with Tycron Met 200 stand up to years of punishment without dusting or disintegrating. Light Reflective Tycron Met 200 is ideal for industrial floors requiring added abrasion and impact resistance in facilities needing improved lighting with fewer fixtures and/or less electrical energy requirements.
  • Package : 60# bag
  • AIA/CSI Reference : 2751, 3300, 3310
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Tycron Met 200 is a special version of our quality Tycron hardener series. It contains uniquely processed metallic aggregates, special cementitious binders, plus long proven water reducing agents and plasticizers and other proprietary ingredients. Tycron Met 200 is designed for heavier application to industrial floors, in need of extra abrasion resistance and impact protection.

Additional Information

Manufacturer: Kaufman

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