Np1 Sonolastic Limestone

PrimeSource Building Products

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Quick Overview

  • Easy to gun and tool

  • No primer required for most construction materials

  • Weather resistant
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Sonneborn NP1 Aluminum Gray Polyurethane Sealant is a one-component high-performance gun-grade moisture-curing polyurethane sealant designed for a wide range of sealing and caulking applications in active exterior joints. Sonneborn NP1 Polyurethane Sealant requires no mixing and typically bonds to many materials without a primer, including concrete and masonry. Sonolastic NP1 is recommended for active, vertical interior, exterior joints, including expansion wall joints, curtain walls, panel walls, precast walls, window frames, structural components, dams, spillways and storm water drains. Substrates include concrete, masonry, aluminum and wood.

Additional Information

Manufacturer: PrimeSource Building Products

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